Shadow and Light the Equinox

As the wheel of the year turns...

We are moving into the Spring Equinox. A time of balance. 

Spring Equinox always falls in mid-March and is the time when we are moving into the brighter days. The Sun and Earth are in a universal dance that finally shifts from darkness to light. The Equinox is a time when there is equal darkness and sunlight, creating the passage or threshold crossed into illumination. 

This is a beautiful time when we can embrace balance into our own lives and with the light, comes energy. So, while our January Moon was all about getting clear about your inner circle, who you trust and who can trust you- who you want to go into the new year with and hunt for your dreams; and February is the time of crystallization. Clarifying your thoughts and dreams for the next year- we have finally shifted into the growth period. March is the moon of flying out of the darkness, thawing the cold, small sprouts emerging from the soil. 

This is the time to take action and implement steps towards whatever it is you want to create and grow this year- the shifts and change, the garden you plant and intend to grow. 


It's time to acknowledge the darkness we are shifting out of. 

This is the time for Shadow Work. 

Shadow work is recognizing the trials and tribulations that shaped you and to break free of the soil. In fact, shadow work can be seen as the cracking open of the seed that must reach for the light before it ever sees it. 

Our "cracking open" or darkness that we've experienced in our lives- is what has given to us the greatest lessons and strength. Yes- it is true; what didn't kill us, made us stronger. More resilient, more wise, more aware, more adaptable, more of who we came to be on a soul level. 

And that being said- it also can have trauma and unwinding that must occur. The tiny acorn doesn't know the Oak tree is possible. But it is. The cracking open begins the process but the unwinding and stretching and cultivating is what causes the Oak to grow tall. 

Equinox is a wonderful time to work your way out of those shadows and to move into the sun. 

Recognize the path you've walked, the rocks that you had to climb over, dodge as they fell, or heal from if they crashed into you. Don't sugar coat it. Don't deny or disassociate from reality. But also, don't get stuck on that path or in the winding tunnel. Move towards the light. 

One of the ways I do that is writing. (Obviously.) Sometimes I write blogs I never post- and they are scathing. But they are true and they are my true feelings. I write them intentionally to clear the energy OUT of me and onto the page/blog. I feel like it gives me a sense of saying what needs to be said- even if no one hears it. 

Today, working through shadows- I walked on the treadmill for thirty minutes at the maximum incline. With every breath I imagined clearing energy out of me- releasing. With every towel wipe of sweat- I imagined cleansing from me. 

Then, I cold plunged. As I sat in the freezing water in my outdoor tub with frosty and foggy clouds puffing from my mouth as I breathed in the early March weather, I whispered, "I release doubt, I receive faith. I release pain, I receive being in the now, I release trauma, I receive pleasure, I release hurt, I receive healing, I release lack, I receive abundance, I release fear, I receive courage, I release betrayal, I receive loyalty, I release sadness, I receive joy, etc." 

I breathed and claimed the light that shadow brought. 

While not everyone has access to a plunge tub- most of us can turn the water temperature to cold for 30 seconds before or after we shower every day. (always check with a medical professional to decide if cold therapy is beneficial and right for you.)

It was the opposite of what my heart desires that taught me the truest desires of my heart. It was the hard things that not only made me stronger but led me on this path of spirituality that has connected me to my dearest friends, given me chance to witness and experience miracles, to know my "tribe" as it's said, to know the depth of my survival and stamina. 

So I actively use this time of shadow into light to be focused and clear about what I am shifting out of. To harness the energy available to me and all of us. 

This life existence means that we will suffer. I don't mean that in a martyred way- just that to live is to experience challenges, heartache, pain, and struggle. At least it's not all of the time. All of these dynamics, the polarity and opposite- gifts us the awareness and knowledge we need to be all the we are capable of. 

We are the Oak, we just don't know it yet. 

            photo credit Marky Mark on Flickr

So during this time of shadow and light- take some time to get really clear about where you are headed to and why. Bless the darkness that taught you how divine and beautiful light is. 

Especially take time for self-care; or work it into your daily routine as you can; such as saying mantras and declarations as you drive, or shower, or clean. Things you naturally do. 

Shadow and Light. 

Oh. And, join us for some pretty amazing events focused around self care and balance at my studio in Lehi, Utah. 

Sage Canvas Wellness Studio

Or learn how to follow the moons with my Moon Journal. Which you can buy here:

Moon Journal Transform


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