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Shadow and Light the Equinox

As the wheel of the year turns... We are moving into the Spring Equinox. A time of balance.  Spring Equinox always falls in mid-March and is the time when we are moving into the brighter days. The Sun and Earth are in a universal dance that finally shifts from darkness to light. The Equinox is a time when there is equal darkness and sunlight, creating the passage or threshold crossed into illumination.  This is a beautiful time when we can embrace balance into our own lives and with the light, comes energy. So, while our January Moon was all about getting clear about your inner circle, who you trust and who can trust you- who you want to go into the new year with and hunt for your dreams; and February is the time of crystallization. Clarifying your thoughts and dreams for the next year- we have finally shifted into the growth period. March is the moon of flying out of the darkness, thawing the cold, small sprouts emerging from the soil.  This is the time to take action and implement st

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