Drum Circles for Sound Healing and Community Oneness

Drum Circles have existed since people have lived and gathered. Drums are found across the world, in every culture, country and continent. 

However blue, brown, or violet your eyes are; your ancestors drummed. Our drum circles are a resurgence of community gatherings. 

A way that we people who have divided ourselves based on gender, race, politics, culture, religion and more- can find our way of coming together by remembering our history with the drum.
The drum, the echo, exists inside your bloodline. 
The thump thump of the drum is reminiscent of the heartbeat, the first sound a fetus in the womb is aware of. The womb, the place between heaven and earth, the initiation into this world, the safe place where we grew and all of our physical needs were provided for with no effort. 

As the drum sings, we subconsciously remember the imprint of the womb, the realm of perfect existence.

The soundwaves from the drum circle ripple out from the center of the people gathered, the same way that a stone thrown into a calm pond, creates interweaving rings that gently flow beyond the eyes ability to perceive. 

The soundwaves work the same, beyond what the ear can hear, they move through our physical bodies, and as they do, our nervous systems and brains process the sounds, utilizing parts of our left and right hemispheres that communicate and connect.

This propels better immunity by releasing endorphins, serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, oxytocin to name just a few natural chemical benefits for our mental health. At drum circles, we are invited to beat our drums to our own rhythms, to be our own individual beat, but to find a way to harmonize with those around us.
As we gather in a circle, there is no beginning or end, no start or finish, higher or lower, first and last, better than or worse than. 

Every person has the ability and authority to contribute to the song. One person who may be playing low toned and slow can still find a way to harmonize with the other who is playing high and fast. 

We can come together- be our unique voice and song but create a symphony as a greater one. Beyond what divides us, there are issues in our communities that matter to every one of us. 

When we join and learn from our differences, gain the perspectives of those who have lived a different way and looked through a different lens at the world, we are all better for it. 

But rarely, do people who are different, find themselves interacting peacefully. Our drum circles are politics and religion free. They have no agenda other than supporting issues that affect us all. 

An example would be the drum circle on August 20th, 2022, where we discussed bullying and what creates the dynamics of unsafe schools for our kids. We shared stories of bullying and how we overcame. We encouraged those who may be being bullied by sharing resources and what it is to be on the other side, and we also discussed and challenged those in our circles to be the friend and advocate when they witness bullying, to stand for another.
Drum circles are a neutral way for us to see each other for who we truly are. The drum represents the heart, and if we can gather and share our stories from the heart, echo out to the sky and come together- I believe we can change the world for the better.
All image credits belong to the owners


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