When Polygamy Makes Sense and When it Doesn't

Polygamy makes sense in many cultures and time periods when people have high mortality rates, or when you want to boost a population. 


A male can impregnate women with every ejaculation. Theoretically, a man could impregnate hundreds of women a year while a woman can typically have one pregnancy a year. 


For most of history, pregnancy and complications were the number one cause of death for women. 

The statistics of death for women in areas of the world where healthcare isn’t available, the death rates are still dramatic. 


Polygamy makes sense on a physical plane of existence for survival of a species in circumstances when mortality rates are high. Apocalypse, War, famine, post-pregnancy supportive community, nomadic tribal communities etc.


Another reason would be, if you wanted to create a large population quickly for political or religious reasons. 


If you could create hundreds of loyal devotees in one generation, in a simple 2 or 3 generations- a small group of fanatics could multiply exponentially and make a huge shift in cultural influence. 


In the physical realm- for base and physical reasons- polygamy would be a tool that made sense biologically, politically, and calculatedly. 


Often, we hear that when we die, a man’s eternal reward and heaven is a kingdom filled with women. 

That the ideal of heaven is a male with hundreds of females at his disposal. 

I’ve never heard a woman taught that the heaven is full of men waiting to serve them in whatever capacity required. 


If heaven isn’t bound by biological laws, then why would one male be imperative to many women? If repopulation wasn’t necessary. I would think also, that if pregnancy exists in heaven- it wouldn’t be a tedious amount of time and incubation. So the necessity of many women impregnated by one male wouldn’t be required. 


How is it that for eons of time, men have been taught that “heaven” = “harem.” 

Is this because of human egotistical ideals? Emulating kings and elite who seemingly can have anything they want, who have access to wives, concubines, mistresses, etc. in order to weave allegiances to their rule and muddy the network of bloodlines through creating heirs from varying opponents and kingdoms? Has this idea been passed down to the subservient males of society to numb their resistance to controlling of monarchs- under the idea that someday they will have what they see?


As a woman, the idea of heaven being polygamous doesn’t appeal to me. That being a woman on Earth meant that for eternity my highest achievement possible would be to walk on streets of gold, serve as an administering angel, and be one of many companions to a man-soul. To be heaven, it would mean that all souls are not identified, valued, or have designated roles based on the sex of a temporal physical body.


Heaven would be a place that each soul is sovereign over themselves, every partnership a chosen and true partnership where there isn’t more or less authority between them. Where being a partnership wasn’t a necessary requirement for salvation, but an opportunity.


I personally don’t believe that where I end up in the afterlife has to do with my husband’s choices on this side of the veil; but has to do with my own soul’s expansion and perfect journey for me. I have often heard that “free agency” is the first law of the universal light. If that is so, then regardless of what my spouse or I do in this world that is considered “righteous;” we can be together eternally if we want to be after death. 

While polygamy makes sense in many physical ways for varied reasons, it doesn’t replicate what heaven is. It may be a logical solution to many detrimental realities and agendas in this realm- but not in an etheric state. No one actually knows what heaven looks like and how it's mapped out. No one. So teaching that polygamy is part of it, or required to "get" there; isn't accurate. It's conjecture. 

Consenting adults have the right to choose whatever relationship dynamics make sense for them. But to teach that one way is right or wrong or that heaven is one way versus another- is propaganda. It's important to look at the motives of those ideas and decide for ourselves what is true to us. What is true, is what works for your way of life. It's free choice. 


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