The Shaman View of COVID-19
The Shaman View of Corona Virus
The Shaman way has been idealized and sensationalized through media, books, and movies.
There is an idea that Shaman’s are something special. Even in my own experience, participating in Shaman groups and networking- many people who seek the path of Shamanism are they who want some type of superpower. The reality is much less exciting but still intriguing. ALL people are potential “Shamans.”
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The ideas that Shamans can communicate between worlds and to Spirits- is true. But you don’t have to be titled “Shaman” to do this. In every religious philosophy- the leaders and prophets are said to do this.
But every human can do this- it’s called prayer, faith and a deep desire for answers when the heart is in turmoil or the concern for our family welfare is present.
So, where is the difference, and what does a “Shaman” have to mean? Particularly when the world is in a crisis?
In a Shaman perspective; all things in the physical world are manifested through the spiritual world. As above, so below. This is also a Hermetic Principle and represented through almost all religions and spiritual philosophies as the TREE OF LIFE.
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This LAW says that what energy we embody and embrace and align with on an Ethereal realm- will manifest in the physical realm.
IF we function from a place of fear, and “something is out to get you”, or “circumstances are out of our control” -then it MUST be made manifest.
This LAW is dual sided; meaning that if you have FAITH on an energetic level; “It will all work out” or “My Creator knows what’s best” or “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”-then it will be so.
Faith or Fear.
Right now, FEAR is being marketed and the pandemic across the globe has less to do with reality as it does with hysteria.
Whatever we embody on the spiritual realm- will manifest.
Shamanism also teaches HARMONY and BALANCE.
All of Nature is in balance and harmony. It will always level out where there is out of balance energy.
The tides of the Ocean, the seasons, the predator and prey… etc.
The Lion doesn’t hunt the biggest and strongest buffalo- but the weakest and most frail; in this way- the herd is always valiant and healthy. The Lion excretes into the grassland, nourishing the Earth which then in turn, nourishes the Buffalo.
This is the cycle that ALL of life adheres to and flows with…. except the Human Race.
When I think of the COVID-19 Virus; the similarity to it and the Human Race is parallel.
Just like US, it consumes.
Just like US, it destroys its host.
When we understand that ALL of life will always balance itself out- that the universe is cycling in glorious and beautiful song and chorus that circles around and around again- then we KNOW that when we focus selfishly upon ourselves with no consideration for the WHOLE- then that energy is sent out to create and will someday boomerang back to us.
Am I saying we deserved this? Am I saying that those people who are dying deserve this?
I AM saying that in the cosmos of life and reality- that what exists energetically always has a leveling point. Knowing that LAW of life- empowers us to HEAL the world like never before.
Balance. Balance. Balance.
This empowers each and every one of us to be masters of our energy and to in our own small way- be part of the change.
It’s simple things like first and foremost- stop wasting. This imposed quarantine has been a perfect opportunity for that. How many of you are like me; perusing the cupboards and calculating how many weeks of food we have for our family?
We had conversations with our kids about needlessly throwing food away because we portioned too much on our plates or just eating snacks out of boredom versus hunger.
What a great opportunity for us as a family to really take charge of our wastefulness.
When I see our western world hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer (some of you for profit ) I remember my times in Peru, Mexico, and India- where toilet paper was a luxury. I think of the Black Friday consumerism that America is known for- and I see that this time is a beautiful opportunity for compassion across the globe for those that would love to have the luxuries we are “panicking” over. I think of the gratitude this can foster and awareness.
I saw a meme yesterday that said; “If my husband and I are quarantined together for 2 weeks we’ll be filing for divorce soon.”
What if this is a perfect time to build bonds in our relationships- what if right now is an opportunity to create vision boards together, to face communication with one another in our relationships that maybe we haven’t had time for- or have been avoiding.
What if, this is a time period to recognize what’s really important?
In our western society, we have forgotten that we are part of Nature- we often see “Nature” as something outside of who we are.
Yes, Nature is the forest, the Savannah, the ocean, the black bear, the otter, the sea lion… it’s also the newborn baby, the mother, the father, the child. WE are NATURE.
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The houses we live, the cars we drive, the curling iron, the plastic fork… ALL of it is NATURE.
We, as humans, may mutate Nature via science; but it is NATURE and we are all beholding to the LAWS of nature.
We are all beholding to the LAWS of give and receive. We are ALL beholding to karma.
Ways to change this and shift this on a personal level (which becomes GLOBAL as we lead out) is to take personal inventory right now of your gratitude.
Gratitude is one of the highest frequencies of vibration on the planet.
As we embody gratitude; we don’t waste, we don’t control, we raise our frequency and the frequency of all those around us.
Many people have gratitude journals, great!
Write what you are grateful for in the morning or before bed or both.
My husband and I have a practice of writing 10 things morning and night.
Also, write those thank you cards, choose one person a day to write a thank you to or send an online message to.
Pay attention to what you are hoarding, wasting, and holding on to.
Are you eating healthy foods?
Are you eating more than you need?
Are you throwing out recyclable waste?
Do we know how to self-sustain our way of life?
Can we take care of ourselves?
I have to admit; gardening isn’t my strength, but this world situation is prompting each and every one of us to be more capable and industrious and problem solvers.
Now is a great time to plant a garden!
The Earth is calling out to us to be conscious beings.
We have the chance RIGHT now to REBALANCE what we have distorted.
Check on your neighbors, build your communities, love one another, focus on what’s important, be still, spend time with your loved ones, learn new skills, gain clarity on what is your next step; how to handle your finances and plan for circumstances like we have right now.
As I see the global response to what is occurring- I don’t see “social distancing” I see that through social media- we are all recognizing that this virus has no political or cultural boundaries. We are ONE people. When I see China and Italy my heart opens wide- I know that they care for their families the way I care for mine.
This silent, invisible threat is something that we can rally together over and put aside our arguments over borders and lines and politics… it’s a reminder that we are ALL one.
It is TOGETHER we will energetically resolve this.
TOGETHER, we will learn and grow and love through this.
Either we will SELF BALANCE or the Universe will prompt it.
Someday soon- we will as a whole, look back on 2020 and say “Wow, what a wake-up call that was.”
This is the whole.
This is the understanding that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.
Don’t panic.
LOVE. Lead. Level out.
Be grateful.
Be loving.
Be conscious.
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