What is Shamanism by Katie Jo

 Shamanism is the original and oldest form of spirituality that is known. It is and has been consistent since the beginning of humanity and sentient awareness. Shamanism is understanding that there is a consciousness that imbues every natural living thing and that exists beyond time and space. The same force that is in the “now” is simultaneously in every dimension, future, and past. When we can align to that consciousness, we can access wisdom and truths that our human egoic mind is oblivious to. 

This consciousness is expressed in the flower, rock, tree, the animals, the elements, the weather, and human forms. It is unlimited to form or shape. It is the light and the darkness, it is the sun and moon and stars, it is the night and morning. It is what causes a blade of grass to grow, or nightingale to sing. It is the symphony of the cosmos and universes. It is nameless and known by many names. 

These truths exhibited by nature are part of us, buried beneath the cultural and societal manipulations that humankind has created and placed upon us. When we strip away the synthetic social conformities we have been accustomed to, we find the oneness with all and unity that is possible.

In the beginning, shamans had no shamans, just as the prophets had no prophets to follow. They learned from intuitive impulses and rigorous practice of internal guidance and observation of laws of nature. 

They were not literate but taught and learned through symbols and experience. They used elements and processes to focus energy and intention. Engaging in a physical movement to narrow the energetic results. In modern day, much of what the shaman was attempting to do can be done through simple journaling- as the practice of focusing thought and directing energy is part of journaling. Literacy is available to most of the world and with it, the ability to create a tangible representation of thought forms and use that representation to clear and create.

Learning the universal ceremony and concepts of shamanism can amplify and deepen any current spiritual practice, including religion. The Pathway of the Sage Shamanic Course with Katie Jo focuses on critical thinking through the shaman lens of view.

An example is the ritual of baptism, most associated with Christianity; but before Christianity, Jesus himself, went to the river Jordan and used the water element to cleanse his body, mind, soul and engage in the ceremonial metaphor of rebirth. Water, representing the womb. This was then adapted as a cornerstone religious practice. Here we see the physical ritual of acting out death and rebirth, using one of the four elements, which would be considered a shamanic way. 

As we study shamanic concepts and philosophy, our contemplation considers the natural world as a teacher of universal truths, we separate from the powerlessness of looking to an outside authority or guru for our spiritual destiny, but recognize that the consciousness that is us, and is in all, is always communicating. It is up to each individual to listen and learn. The shamanic way is a lifepath of self-sovereignty for our own spirituality. Each of us are accountable for our engagement with truth and introspection. No one else is responsible for or holding keys for our own path of spiritually. This methodology conceives that all humans are born with all they need to reach the highest levels in the spiritual plane. All humans are connected to the life force that guides. All humans have access to the realms of truth. It is simply a matter of witnessing, being willing to learn, adapt, and implement through practice. 

The Pathway of the Sage acknowledges that everyone has ascended consciousness coded within them. Just like a seed that is planted must be nurtured to grow; the shamanic way is a day by day and month by month practice to cultivate. Step by step we make our way through this life, and all paths lead home. 

Take the online shamanic course here:
(month by month practices, philosophies, meditations)
A $2000 value.

Or join me in person, once a month. See classes and events and upcoming trainings here:


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