WE DRUM We Begin...

 The day was a gift. 

The weather cooperating with just a whiff of a breeze that would flutter like butterflies through the tall pines standing as guardians around the stone amphitheater. 

I looked at the team of volunteers as they worked. Red t-shirts in motion like a poppy field in the wind. Smiles flashed as we measured booth spaces, served, carried and toted boxes, sound equipment, untangled cords and lanyard strings. We popped up pop-up tents and laughed and sang along to the music from the sound teams playlist as they checked off sound checks. 

Our day had started at sunrise. As I connected to each of their eyes as we passed, I couldn't help but feel gratitude. After months of effort, planning, and countless hours behind the scenes- the day had come. W.E. DRUM. World Echo for Peace. Every single person in those red t-shirts, adorned with our symbol for unity- was a volunteer. Giving, serving, sacrificing for the message and mission of peace. 

The mission? Gathering people of diversity to share the message of the drum, to echo throughout the world in a ripple of oneness. 

What is the message of the drum? That all cultures drummed. 

We may have different politics, religions, bank balances, histories, philosophies, home lives, and hopes- but our ancestors drummed. Our heritage is drumming. Drumming is the active meditation of shifting into the heart. 

As the evening approached, the temperature tilted into coolness and throngs of people began to make their way up the stone path to our epicenter. Parking overflowed and people walked a few hundred yards, carrying their drums, chairs, and blankets like refugees - the sunset highlighting their silhouettes against the horizon.

Energy of the oncoming gathering began to accumulate and crescendo. "We are here." I whispered to the angels and spirit guides. Those who sent the vision to me the previous winter. They who asked for this event to be manifest. And I scanned over the faces of my colleagues- who had answered the call to gather and lead. 

As we leaders stood together, circling up, we prayed. Prayed to our own divine guidance, in our own way- different but unified in our cause. Unified in our intention. Calling upon the support of the legions unseen with natural eyes. 

"Time." Our Sound Team leader admonished. "Five minutes." he spoke with resolution and handed me the microphone. 

"It's time." I thought- speaking the words silently to those unknown. My eyes to the skies above. "Let our human-ess be dissolved. When they hear us speak-  let them hear You."

Together- my colleagues and I walked to the center of the circle. 

Music began. The Mountain by Trevor Hall. 

to register for our next WE DRUM DRUM CIRCLE in MAY 2025- go here:


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