Politics and the Shaman View

I am writing this the day after the United States 2024 election. 

While I won't delve into or dissect political issues here; I would like to share the shamanic view of elections and politics.

We witness the psychological and energetic aspects of the human condition through the political process. It is a macrocosm of the microcosm.

It's seeing the human psyche on stage, a visual example of the hermetic law known in shamanism; often stated: "As above, so below."

Watching the opponents mudsling or not, use fear tactics, promoting economy over ethics, save "us versus them", control or lack of accountability; the shaman view is to ask the question "where is this in me?" 

Do I succumb to fear tactics? Where do I allow my values to be swayed or turn a blind eye for the economic benefit? Where do I "mudsling" or gossip? Where do I see separateness instead of oneness?

If the election ended the way you had hoped, pay attention to the part of yourself that may want to say "I told you so!" and if the election didn't end the way you hoped, what part of yourself feels violated and could be attached to fear or control. 

If you are angry, understand that anger is viewed as the fire element through the shamanic lens. So, we work with the element to manage our emotions. 

Fire, just like anger, can burn the forest down- or offer warmth and light. 

Some of the greatest flames that have brightened the world- used their anger for light. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, the Boston Tea Party, Women's Right to Vote, etc. are some examples of this.

This fire became a passion that infused the world towards better things. 

To temper fire/anger, use this passion in ways that you can foster change. Water tempers Fire and Water is the element of flow with adaptability. Ask "How can I adapt?"

Here are some ways to move forward and shift the energy you may be feeling:

Write your feelings and anger, your 'fuel' onto paper and burn in a fire-pit safely. Let it go. Give the words and thoughts to Great Creator- as the smoke carries them. Trust that the universe has a plan. 

Move your body, anger is unexpressed energy; exercise and move your body to release the fire. 

Recognize what you can and cannot control. However the election ended- you can still engage in charities, causes, education, and service for what you believe in. Use this fire to create warmth. Look into local community programs that support your special concerns and donate time, effort, awareness, and money to them. 

Become the torch on the hillside. 

Live your life in a way that others see the light of who you are and what you do. When we live a life of service, compassion, empathy, being a good neighbor, ethical business owner, etc. People will be receptive to your thoughts and perspectives. 

Live as the torch and invite others to see by your light and warm themselves by your fire- don't throw embers at them. 

One of the most valuable ways to become the fire and light- is to educate yourself, build the foundation for your fire to burn bright by getting a degree, having a career that can affect things, getting involved in your local government and networking with law makers.

Finally, the shaman way is to look to the natural world around us for answers and lessons. This morning, I walked outdoors at sunrise. Plump clouds were just catching the sunrise as they glowed orange, pink, and yellow. The violet hue began to illuminate behind the distant mountains and I noticed the trees along my street of all different colors and a breeze lightly plucking away the autumn leaves. 

The sunrise comes, regardless of the human race and what we do to each other. Light will always come after darkness. Hope is never lost. 


written by Katie Jo Finai

Katie Jo is a best selling author, international public speaker, and artist. She is an advocate for equality and tolerance, teacher of esoteric and ancient wisdom merged with modern day leading edge science and breakthroughs. 

You can find her online and in-person trainings here:

Katie Jo's Wellness Studio and Training Programs


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