What is a BLOOD CONTRACT explained with Shaman perspective
We’ve all seen the promises portrayed in movies and tv shoes where two people prick their fingers and make an undying commitment sealed by blood… much more binding than pinky promises and legal documents, as scary as sea witch contracts with pens made of gold and lost voice boxes.
Aside from theatrical renditions, blood contracts are real and explained through some shamanic philosophies.
So what is a blood contract?
A genetic link.
Simply put; before we come to Earth, we exist in a realm of love surrounded by souls who are on the journey of ascension with us and intimately connected.
We are Beings of Light and mutually invested in the success, learning and growth of one another. We ALL are ONE and ALL want each other to expand our awareness to the limitless boundaries of possibilities- knowing that as we go to Earth, we may forget these bonds, links, and support systems.
Souls have inherent personalities and tendencies, but in the PRE-Life, these soul attributes are the BEST of us.
We have perfect souls.
Our souls have inherent personalities and essences.
In the 3rd dimension, the realm of time and duality: our soul tendencies can easily become out of balance and contaminated through environment and choice.
We know that a soul in the Pre-life who is assertive may pass through the veil into the 3rd dimension and FORGET the balance; engaging in controlling, prideful, and domineering behaviors as easily as that soul could stay in perfect balance and flow with their natural soul tendencies.
Simultaneously, a peaceful, gentle soul could pass through the veil and in the 3rd dimension be seduced into passivity, unclear boundaries, choosing not to stand up for themselves or tolerating abuse.
In the Spirit Realm, we are ALL family. In the Human realm, we are not.
Knowing we can be separated by our human propensity of forgetfulness as we pass through the veil of birth into our Earth existence, we choose blood contracts, bonds by genetics.
We choose our family line.
Sometimes, we choose the physical line for the specific genetic disposition of a body that we want to learn from. (Race, gender, height, health, strength, etc.) The specific parents and siblings aren't as relevant as the attributes of the physical body.
Other times, we choose the physical line to be inexorably linked to specific souls throughout the life on Earth experience.
We link ourselves to our greatest teachers.
That CAN be the most loving and benevolent people we’ve ever encountered.
That can ALSO be the most volatile and cruel.
All of our souls are inherently divine and pure light, but in the 3rd dimension; duality, limitation, and time- our souls can FORGET who we are and behave in ways that are not in integrity of our soul essence.
Often, without blood contracts intact, a family link- we wouldn’t stick around for the long haul or be involved with certain people.
We ALL have those family members who show up around the holidays that you just can’t tolerate the rest of the year.
Blood contract.
They are one of our greatest teachers. The one who we would prefer to avoid- but because they are our “family” we learn patience, tolerance, forgiveness, boundaries, the list goes on.
From a soul perspective, this is a gift.
The purpose of this life isn’t to have gumdrops and puppy kisses every day, running around with bubble wands and dandelion crowns.
The purpose of life is to expand our consciousness and compassion. To learn the depths of LOVE.
To learn to LOVE others AND ourselves.
Sometimes those blood contracts are POWERFUL cleansers of accountability.
An example would be family lines contaminated by frequencies of abusive tendencies.
First, a soul would blood contract into the line with the intention to carry the genetic codes and BREAK the chains by STOPPING the continuation of abuse.
Second, the soul would be blood bound to abusers- thereby receiving the gift of learning forgiveness, courage, and boundaries.
Third, the soul would be blood bound to abusers who have the opportunity to change based on a new frequency being held in the genetic line.
Blood contracts DO NOT mean that we are obligated to tolerate the presence or company of unsafe and unhealthy relationships. Often, the blood contract is there as a POWERFUL energetic component, so lessons are deeply integrated.
For example: a mother who is routinely too passive and noncommittal may have her children distance themselves from her for not protecting them or not following through on promises.
While a thousand friends and colleagues have already distanced themselves- when her own children finally do- it’s the catalyst for change and she makes a huge leap in self growth that wouldn’t have occurred. SIMULATANEOUSLY, the children who distanced themselves, learned a great lesson about LOVING someone while holding boundaries and self-respect.
Blood contracts.
Sometimes, blood contracts are there for us to truly have time to learn the gifts of love and wisdom that perhaps we wouldn’t have. A tender and gentle grandparent is linked to a child who will be exposed to them for extended periods of time in their lifetime in order to deeply comprehend unconditional love, through the lesson their life example offers.
Siblings link together so they can have companions and teammates for all the challenges that life will bring. Or, to bring out the best in each other. Sometimes by being friends, and sometimes by being enemies.
You remember the beginning of the Love story... the inexplainable draw to one another? The passionate love making that created children... and for those of us with former spouses... the process of wondering what the heck happened that you could have fallen in "love" with that guy or gal?
The most important value of a blood contract is learning.
Blood contracts don’t lock us in to cohabiting relationships or tie us down – but they are an opportunity for us to invest a lifetime into learning key lessons for our greatest ability to grow.
Look around yourself, look at the people who you chose to be in blood contracts with. Try to see the relationships with gratitude. Even the painful relationships have given us compassion, strength, and awareness.
Marcus Aurelius, a famous ruler of Rome and philosopher listed those people who had taught him philosophical truths and lessons. In his diary, he would often write what he was learning from those people who were challenging as well as harmonious. This example is a perfect representation of the gifts of blood contracts.
I suggest you make your own list. I also suggest you take time to reflect upon the person who you have become and wisdom you have gained because of the path you’ve taken and people who have shared it with you.
You may be surprised at the gifts you've been given. Even from the cranky teachers that you linked yourself to.
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