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Talking Stick

Talking Sticks are used across the globe from Australia to North America. A Talking Stick can be compared to a microphone. Whomever holds the talking stick, has the "floor."  These tokens were used in council meetings and discussions of indigenous nations, to designate who had the authority to speak and for others to listen respectably. In many gatherings, the talking stick wasn't limited to those who were leaders, but all who were in attendance were given the chance to speak. Talking Sticks are also a way to connect to wisdom, guidance, and truth. Over time, the stick would accumulate the energy of these sacred councils and even just the presence of the talking stick, would bring with it the wisdom of past generations.  Here's a brief story I include in my Shaman training: "Shaman tools are not what creates power but can hold residual energy of sacred ceremonies and places.  The shaman can create a token, power emblem, sacred tool by consistent and regular use,

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