What is TRUTH


The word sat, in Sanskrit, means “that which exists, that which is.” Satya, in turn, means “truthfulness”—seeing and reporting things as they are rather than the way we would like them to be.

The conversation about “Truth” is one heard around the world and in every corner of the world. It’s the conversation jaded by cultural perception.


When TRUTH is discussed it’s often not TRUTH but “Belief” or “Hearsay” or “Perception.”


One of the cliché memes you’ll see when you discuss the subject of Truth is of the 3 blind men who are introduced to the Elephant. The first blind man grasping a long tusk says: “oh my how sharp and dangerous” The second blind man touching the skin remarks “You are tough and callused.” The last man, holding the tail speaks:” You are soft and tufted.”


All three are telling the Truth. 


When we personally introspect about TRUTH- we think it is as simple as saying the reality of what is. Of “NOT lying.” 

That’s core to the TRUTHFULNESS, but it also means LIVING what ethics and values you preach. 


Truth is also the humility to be changeable in our perspective; meaning, willing to be dedicated to TRUTH beyond belief, politics, philosophy, or religion.


Truth is ONLY truth if is beyond controversy. To be of debate- would mean it cannot be TRUE because TRUTH is the REALITY of WHAT IS. 

Byron Katie wrote a great book titled LOVING WHAT IS, on it.


Truth is: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West (for now, the poles have shifted in Earth history approximately 5 times). Humans breathe air. Basic elements are the building blocks of life. Where water, earth, air, and fire are combined- potential for new life forms is present. 


Our universe is moving at such a regular and consistent flow that we can know where Neptune was 10,000 years ago up to the minute – because of THIS consistency we BELIEVE that we can know where Venus will be in 10,000 years from now up to the minute. But… TRUTH is knowing about NEPTUNE; CONJECTURE is our assumption about Venus. 


Truth means, asking if your partner feels a certain way instead of assuming they do. Truth means, saying what you mean and asking for what you want without malice or assumption, but sincerity and neutrality. 

Truth means, speaking only of your own personal revelation and not sharing another person’s “testimony” aka “truth” as truth because you weren’t there and don’t know. Believing isn’t knowing or truth. 


Truth is asking for help when you need it. Truth is being in the moment. Truth is acknowledging your emotions and allowing them without resistance or attachment. Truth is being willing to change. Truth is commitment to growth and being open to new information and different perspectives and thought processes. 


In a way, Truth is always evolving because perceived reality is. 


A girl born in the African desert may say “The day is hot.” And it is TRUTH. 

But as she travels the world and finds herself in Iceland on a fall afternoon could say “The Day is Hot, sometimes in some places.” And be speaking an expanded TRUTH. 


Both statements are true at the level or her comprehension and awareness. As our awareness grows- so does our interpretation and perception of TRUTH. 


So, while TRUTH was always there- it is the changeability of the human consciousness that creates the malleability of the concept of TRUTH. 


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