The Rise of Responsibility

Just hours have passed since the worst Mass Shooting in American History.

The mood was resolute, and humble as hundreds of service men and women; boy-scouts and leaders of American Fork, Utah stood beneath the relentless sun. 

The heat seemingly testing our resolve to unite and support the unveiling of the FIRST city sponsored STATUE OF RESPONSIBILITY - anchored in the Memorial Garden at the City Cemetery, on June 14, 2016 as a stand for FREEDOM, TRUST, COMPASSION, RESPONSIBILITY and REMEMBRANCE.

Veterans from a plethora of wars were present, and in-spite of their courageous history, bravery, and fearless dedication to face the enemy... I witnessed their eyes damp with emotion and the same hands that once held weapons- now clutched hanker-chiefs in weathered fists.

With passion akin to southern preachers, the speakers voices filled the hearts of the audience and we applauded. Prayers given flowed like golden honey as did the tears that flowed thereafter.

The singers conviction was on key; but MY favorites were the two small boys holding the microphone white knuckled, sunshine in their eyes singing out for FREEDOM and CHANGE. 

The crowd rose. 
The Flag rose- then descended to Half-mast. 
The STATUE unveiled. 
The hush of the audience. 
Hands clasped. 
Hearts opened. 
Hope and Faith twinkling in the eyes of all the faces lifted towards the sky.

We stand at the Fork in the road. How perfect that American Fork is the first city to erect this monument... this promise to tomorrow. WE are at the FORK, and America is in the balance of it.
Will we lead out in Peace and brotherhood? Will we reach out? Will we begin to see the WORLD as ONE - beyond borders, hatred, politics, religion, race, or gender?

Will we lead the way? Will we lead out in our own lives, our own families, our own communities?

American Fork has.
Provo will join them on July 4th.
Who's next?

Message me for details on how to get involved. Go to my facebook page to connect and get a statue for your city, your servicemen, your schools and businesses.

or connect with The Responsibility Foundation at

See a slide show here: 


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