Once in a Blue Moon

By now.... you must know that I do drum circles.

Often people misconstrue what a drum circle is- at least the kind I do.

Drum Circle is an active meditation. A gathering of people who join their hearts, (the drum is a metaphor in hand for the Heart,) and unify in an intention.

On July 31st, the BLUE MOON... there were over 500 RSVP's to our drum circle and Speaking Event featuring Jeff Olsen, acclaimed author and Tina Metcalf, public speaker/life coach and Debbie Straley Reiki Certified Master Teacher.... and Me.

Part of WHY I feel like this "MOVEMENT" has grown and flourished the way it has... is because we; as the HUMAN RACE, are READY for ACTION. 
Calls to action historically have been to WAR. BUT TODAY, we CALL to ACTION for PEACE. Drum Circle is ACTION, MOVEMENT, JOY, DANCE and UNITY... we are still learning, we are still taking the time to Meditate, Read, and sit in Cathedrals... but we ACHE to ACT to FEEL physically the shift we are involved in creating.

In the past, it was for the survival of a tribe, for rain, for prosperity, for peace- My drum circles are not so different.
We gather for the survival of us all, for the healing of our hearts and the hearts of ALL. We stand as ONE CIRCLE, ONE TRIBE.

Yes, There is science and physics and metaphysics that all can be proven and taught about sound waves, and shamanic drumming. I learn and teach about these things.

But my intention is and has always been that we gather as One Circle, One Tribe. We stand for us ALL. We create and manifest Miracles as we join our hearts. It's as simple and complicated as that.


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