Sex and the Pear

What if sex isn't wrong or right, good or bad... in our out of marriage?

What is sex is sex.
The way a brick is a brick. A broom is a broom. etc.
A brick can be used to break a window- or build a shelter.
A broom can be used to whack the family cat- or to sweep away the cobwebs.
It is OUR INTENTION and CHOICE that makes the difference.

We could go into great detail about Energy and mixing of energy with another human being- the old saying "They became One." etc etc and how that is absolutely true according to Quantum Physics.... but that is for another day. ORrrr read this article:

What I'm here to express is that Sex without Love, without passion, without balance of masculine/ feminine energy is hollow. (This has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Every one of us has BOTH masculine and feminine within us)

Sexual energy is the most potent, powerful, creative height of energy we can experience. It's AMAZING.

It is fueled by PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL, MENTAL, and EMOTIONAL energy. (Yep, what are known as the "four lower bodies of this dimension")

In essence, we are ALL of us in the experience of Conscious Sex.

It is possible to be with another- to have orgasm, to melt your souls together in that moment and NOT connect.
The irony is that WE CRAVE CONNECTION. WE CRAVE to OPEN THE LOVE within us and to let it PLAY FULL OUT in ALL EXPRESSION

Sex without LOVE is like eating Cotton Candy instead of a Pear.
One is a temporary fix for a sweet tooth with no satisfaction or nutrients,
the other offers not only the succulence but also leaves you satiated and nourished.
Settling for Cotton Candy is a bottomless pit of sugar.
If you choose the Pear, you feel full, healthy, and nourished; it fuels your energy...and you go forward more alive than before.


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