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Full Moon and 11:11 Portal Align

I'm writing this at exactly 11:44am on 11.11.2024. Not intentionally, but smiling because there are no accidents.  11:11 bring the energy of ascension. What we think, do, and focus on today rides the 11's directly and clearly to and through source. 11.11 represents alignment.  2+0+2+4 Numerological calculation adds to 8 which is  infinite possibilities and abundance .  Added all together:  1+1+1+1+2+0+2+4= 12   1+2= 3 3 is the number that represents creation.  Today: Alignment. Infinite Possibilities. Abundance. Creation. Questions to ask today are: "Am I living in alignment with my truth?" "What do I choose to create?" I cancelled a trip to Texas this morning. I had enrolled in a Women's Retreat and was looking forward to it.  As I contemplated traveling there to a weekend of women gathering for women- I considered that while I am not pregnant or plan to be; that many of the people who may attend would be traveling in from other states. If...

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